
はてなブックマーク - 311は東日本震災から8年
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1 The Calm  Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief.Sorrow itself has been elevated. 冷静:悲痛に取り乱すことがなく、悲しみそのものが気高い。
2 The Dignity  Disciplined quenes for water and groceries.Not a rough word or a crude gesture. 尊敬:水と食料の配給を整然と待つ人びと。
3 The Ability  The incredible architects, for instance.Buildings swayed but didn’t fall. 建築技術:建物は揺れても倒れない。
4 The Grace  People bought only what they needed for the present,so everybody could get something. 品格:全員の手に渡るように、自分に必要なものを買う。
5 The Order  No looting in shops.No honking and no overtaking on the roads.Just understanding. 秩序:店内に略奪はない。
6 The Sacrifice  Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors.How will they ever be repair. 自己犠牲精神:原子力発電所に残り注水。
7 The Tenderness  Restaurants cut prices. An inguarded ATM in left alone.The strong cared for the weak. 優しさ:警備のないATMがそのままある。
8The Training  The old and children, everyone knew exactly what to do.And they did just that.  避難訓練:だれもがなすべきことをする。
9 The Media  They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins.No silly reporters, Only calm reportage. 報道姿勢:節度のある報道で、冷静なルポだけがある。
10 The Conscience  When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly! 道義心:店が停電になったとき、品物を棚に戻す人たち。


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